We can found this vegetable on crepes with egg. He is a vegetable that can be classified on the type of onion. So that the use and benefits are often found in cooking, because she can give a distinctive delicious smell.
In classification, onion leaf (allium fistulosum) divided into 2 (two) types:
  1. Bakung Onion Leaf/Sibol.
    Onion leaf is what in Latin is called the
    allium fistulosum. This is characteristic of the leek has a small bulb at the bottom, leafy round, length, and has a hole like a pipe.
  2. Leek leaves (allium prium)
    Physical features on this leek is not bulbous at the bottom, leafy long, flat, and has a long and wiry midrib.

Although its use in cooking sometimes only as supplementary material, spring onion turns out to have some nutrients that our body needs. The nutrient content is vitamin A, C, K, and E, carotenes, xanthin and rich in antioxidants and minerals that are good for the body, but it also contained folic acid content and allicin.

In connection with the content that I've mentioned above, then of course there are some benefits that can be absorbed by our bodies. Among these benefits are:
  1. Can Increasing Immunity And Reduce Cholesterol
    Sulfur compound allicin or substances contained in the leek has the potential to provide immunity and reduce the potential for increased cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Good for Pregnant Women
    The content of folic acid found in green parts of the leek is very good for pregnant women. This is because sufficient intake of folic acid before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects (neural tube defects) NTDs in babies, which is spina bifida (disorders of the spine) and anencephaly (no brain abnormalities which are formed). With sufficient intake of folic acid before and during pregnancy is about 0.4 - 0.8 mg per day, the risk of NTDs in infants can be reduced up to 80%.
  3. Overcoming Anemia
    Leek consumption is very useful for anemia. This is because essentially the anemia require more iron to increase the production of iron. That is why ferroportin protein that carries iron stored in the cell to the outside of the cell. So that when the iron increases, the increases also the amount of blood.
  4. Streamlining the Blood Circulation.
    The addition of iron available to the body after eating leeks causes the smooth blood circulation, so for you people with the flu and colds are very good eating leaves "magic" is.
  5. Against Gastrointestinal Infections
    Gastrointestinal is a digestive tract that is approximately 9 meters in length from the mouth to the anus, including oropharynx, esophagus, stomach (gastric), small intestine and large intestine.
    If there is interference on one of the upper digestive tract in, then consuming leeks are one solution to speed up the healing process earlier infection.


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