Benefits of lemongrass very much at all. Lemongrass or in scientific language commonly known as Cymbopogon citratus is a type of plant grasses nation that is often used as a seasoning and flavoring food. Not yet known when the first grass is used, but has been for centuries lemongrass known throughout the world, especially the Asian continent.
Many of these dishes using lemongrass , particularly in the area of ​​Southeast Asian cuisine . Lemongrass so many assume comes from countries in Southeast Asia .

Because of the importance of citronella , lemongrass so that all parts can be used , starting from the leaves , stems and roots . The leaves and stems are commonly used as a cooking ingredient , but at the root is only used as herbal medicines .CONTENT IN SERAI
Generally in all parts of lemon grass contains essential oils consisting of citric , citronellol , a- pinene , kamfen , sabinen , mirsen , felandren beta , p - Simen , limonene , cis - osimen , terpinol , citronellal , borneol , terpinen - 4 - ol , a- terpineol , geraniol , farnesol , metilheptenon , n - desialdehida , dipenten , methyl heptanenon , bornilasetat , geranilformat , terpinil astet , sitronil acetate , geranil acetate , beta - elements , beta - caryophyllene , beta - bergamoten , trans - metilsoeugenol , beta - kadinen , elemol , caryophyllene oxide . Another compound is geranial , geranil butyrate , lomonen , eugenol and metileugenol .THE WORLD HEALTH BENEFITSBENEFITS OF LEAVES
    Eliminate rancidity in meat ducks and goats.
    • Lemongrass leaves were covered with iron or hot stones are used to restore the region of weak nerves, muscles can disease, joints, shrink the swollen uterus, solve mucus, blood and wind.
    • Lemongrass leaves and ground cumin to be made 'pasta' and then taped to the forehead to relieve headaches. The spice mixture hundred to be made 'pasta' for treating swollen joints and muscles.
    • Lemongrass leaves boiled water used for bathing water for the mother after birth and muscle weakness and joint disease.
      • Help treat stomach ache and break up clumps of wind and wind release through the rectum (flatus) and the mouth (belching).
      • Can help balance hormones stability
      • As a daily food seasoning, adding scent dish and help alleviate food poisoning.
      • Mixture with "spice hundred" has benefits for health care systems agencies depths.
      • Help launch urination.
      • Mosquito repellent and toxic animal bites.
      • Used as perfume oil, shampoo and lotion.


      • Human and animal pregnancy prevention.
      • Toning and moisturizing the skin (ageless).
      • Health and freshness of the uterus.
      1. Lemongrass has been used for centuries as an immune system stimulant.
      2. This natural herb can help prevent many problems associated with the digestive including gastroenteritis, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal bloating and so on.
      3. Consuming lemon grass can be useful for improving blood circulation and lower blood pressure.
      4. One of the benefits of lemon grass than for the most important health is degrading cholesterol levels in the blood.
      5. In a study shows that lemongrass has anti-cancer properties and may protect against some types of cancer including colon cancer.
      6. Lemongrass benefits including antibacterial characteristics and antidepressants.
      7. Lemongrass is one of the herbs that can be used to reduce fever. In addition, the drug-containing lemongrass useful in treating coughs, selsema, bronchitis and other diseases.
      8. The use of infusion of lemongrass and citronella oils can reduce the pain of arthritis and rheumatism.
      9. Health benefits of diuretic lemongrass can help improve the function of the kidneys and bladder, as well as stimulate and accelerate detoxification cleansing toxins from the body.
      10. Lemongrass herb can be used to relieve the symptoms of stress such as fear, indecision, anxiety, and so on.
      11. Lemongrass drug benefits including insomnia and sleep disorders.
      12. Herbaceous lemongrass highly recommended for women who experience menstrual disturbances and nausea during pregnancy.
      13. Lemongrass can be used to strengthen muscles and nervous system tissue, so it is good for those who are convalescing sprain. The trick is to Provide crushed hazelnuts with 3 eggs 2 stalks lemongrass give a little water and then heated (briefly), then apply a sprained place.
      14. Lemongrass benefits for the skin: prevents skin inflammation, help eliminate inflammation of spots, pimples, relieve eczema, dermatitis and so on.
      15. Lemongrass is also used as aromatherapy.
      16. Lemongrass also can relieve all kinds of inflammation and irritability associated with aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, toothache, and others.
      17. Lemongrass is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation. By consuming beverages containing lemongrass every day it will be very helpful in reducing hypertension.
      18. Cure cough, the way is: Take 50 grams of dried lemon grass leaves, then boiled with 2 cups of water until the water becomes half, drink 3 times a day.
      19. Lemongrass oil is a volatile oil obtained by distilling the top of the plant. Lemongrass oil can be used as a repellent (repellent) mosquitoes.



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