Amaranth (amaranthus; Latin) originated from the tropical plains of America
and then spread to all corners of the world. Plant leaves are usually consumed is
known to be very rich in iron substances. Basically spinach has a meaning in
the English language with Chinese Amaranth and not with Spinach. The author not
know very well the ins and outs why in Indonesia and Malaysia are many benefits
of this plant known as spinach. The author of this may simply assume the
effects of the movie Popeye. Though spinach Spinacia including different family
types with Chinese amaranth, although they both have iron content.
Plant annuals that love the warm climate and strong light. Spinach is relatively resistant to direct lighting because it is a C4 plant. Watery and less woody stem. Leaves sessile, oval, limp, green, red, or green vaginal discharge. Flowers are arranged skein-type compound that meeting, sitting at the bottom of the armpit, upper assembled into a wreath at the end of the stem and axillary branching. The seeds are black, small and hard.
It turns out that often our favorite vegetable consumption, there are several types and not as we know that only spinach for a side dish. Here the authors will describe some kind of spinach plants.
- Amaranthus Tricolor.
Spinach leaves and remove the smaller planted for a short time (a maximum of 25 days) or when it reaches a height of approximately 20 cm. As the name suggests, this is a way to harvest the plants by depriving the roots directly. Spinach unplug usually more suited to thin soup made of vegetables such as spinach and vegetable bobor. - Pick Spinach or Spinach Snapper (Amaranthus Hybridus).
Spinach stringed upright growing broadleaf and large (up to two meters) and young leaves eaten mainly as fresh vegetables (eg on pecel, gado-gado), ointment, and after dyed fried flour. This plant is called picking spinach as a way to harvest is to reap the young leaf spinach and not like the disconnect that should be repealed with roots.
- Spinach Thorns (Amaranthus Spinosus).
Community knew him by various names . In Lampung , spinach spines known as spinach Kerui . Those that knew her spare prick ( Sunda ) , eri spinach , spinach king , wheel spinach , spinach cikron ( Java ) , Ternyak spines , ternyak lakek ( Madura ) .In Bali , the name Kikihan Spinach , Spinach ready , or Kerug Pasih . While in Minahasa named Kedawa Mawaw , karawa rap - rap , karawa in asu , Kawayo Kauravas . In Napier's name Sinau katinting , at Bugis named Podo Maduri . But in North Halmahera spinach spines known as ma hohoru Maijanga or , in Ternate name is Baya , whereas in Loda named Loda .As written in the book Atlas of Indonesian Medicinal Plants Volume 1 , by Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha , Poster Agriwidya , Jakarta , in 1999 , is that by utilizing its roots , many properties that can be taken . For example, for the treatment of ulcers that hard , piles (hemorrhoids ) , eczema , swollen gums bleed , launched expenditure ASI ( laktagoga ) , fever , warts , wounds bakr and rattlesnake bite . The whole plant is boiled , while warm water is used to soak the feet are stiff, and rheumatism . - Spinach Spinach Kotok Or Land (Amaranthus Blitum)
Spinach land often encountered at the edges of the road and as if just as ordinary grass. This is because of the physical characteristics that are less attractive for consumption. The hallmark of this type of spinach is where the trunk inclined triangular other types of stem spinach. Degan classification that type of branching stems on the spinach is monopodial type of branching stems, with a sulphurous nature pendek.Arah stems grow upright stems that keatas. The leaf on spinach plants with soil is ovoid shape of the leaf tip (apex) split (retusus). - Red Spinach (Amaranthus gangeticus)
Red Spinach has a name in English blood amaranth , red amaranth , purple amaranth , Prince 's Feather and Mexican grain amaranth . Spinach is still divided into two types . The first is that the spinach leaves and red stems all ( Blitum Rubum ) and the second is that only spinach leaves red , but the stems remain green ( Blitum Album ) .Nutrient content in red spinach are : energy , protein , fat , carbohydrates , calcium , phosphorus , iron , fiber , vitamin A , vitamin B1h and also contains vitamin C.Red spinach in general can improve the performance of the kidneys . At its root can be used as a cure dysentery . Red Spinach contains a lot of fiber which is very useful for digestion and metabolism helps in weight loss . Besides red spinach can also increase blood hemoglobin and iron in the body . Even the red spinach usability for medicine takes precedence when compared with green spinach . Parts that can be used for medicine is the leaves and roots .

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