Paprika (Capsicium Annum) is the rate-eggplants that has a sweetish taste, but there are too spicy, because he was of the family of chili and have many properties and benefits. This plant first appeared in South America and later spread worldwide by European people trafficking. Easy deployment of pepper plants because these plants are easy to grow well in tropical and subtropical regions.
Pepper plants generally grow as high as 50 cm - 150 cm. This plant can fit in a variety of climates and can grow in different parts of the world. For cultivation with high hidroponika can reach 3 - 4m. In areas of the mountains planted with an average temperature of minus lowlands.
In western countries peppers are often used as a salad . That's because the colors are gorgeous . There are green, yellow and red , so when she made the salad more interesting . Certain names , such as pepperoni , peppers given to the characteristic appearance , use , or distinctive taste .CONTENTDespite the colorful peppers its kind , but generally have the same content , except red peppers , he has betacarotene and vitamin C which is more than other types of peppers . Neither comparison to oranges . In a study says that 100 g red pepper contains 190 mg of vitamin C , while 100 g of orange contains about 30 to 50 mg of vitamin C.Existing nutrient content generally peppers are Vitamins A , C , B6 , beta-carotene , thiamine , folic acid , capsaicin , chlorogenic acid , zeaxanthin ( antioxidant pigment that gives color green , yellow , orange and red vegetables , egg yolk and other crops ) , and coumeric acid .BENEFITS AND USSAGE
In Asian countries, peppers are often used as a cooking ingredient, whether it's the fry and stir-stir nature. But in Western paprika is often used as a salad. Behind processing peppers turned out to have tremendous benefits. Among these benefits are:
Pepper plants generally grow as high as 50 cm - 150 cm. This plant can fit in a variety of climates and can grow in different parts of the world. For cultivation with high hidroponika can reach 3 - 4m. In areas of the mountains planted with an average temperature of minus lowlands.
In western countries peppers are often used as a salad . That's because the colors are gorgeous . There are green, yellow and red , so when she made the salad more interesting . Certain names , such as pepperoni , peppers given to the characteristic appearance , use , or distinctive taste .CONTENTDespite the colorful peppers its kind , but generally have the same content , except red peppers , he has betacarotene and vitamin C which is more than other types of peppers . Neither comparison to oranges . In a study says that 100 g red pepper contains 190 mg of vitamin C , while 100 g of orange contains about 30 to 50 mg of vitamin C.Existing nutrient content generally peppers are Vitamins A , C , B6 , beta-carotene , thiamine , folic acid , capsaicin , chlorogenic acid , zeaxanthin ( antioxidant pigment that gives color green , yellow , orange and red vegetables , egg yolk and other crops ) , and coumeric acid .BENEFITS AND USSAGE

- Improving Immune
The content of Vitamin C which is very high can increase the person's immune system. Because the content of Vitamin C in peppers is higher than the content of vitamin C in oranges, especially the red peppers. - For Healthy Eyes and Skin
Paprika contains Vitamin A is good for treating eye diseases and preventing the disease to come back. Similarly to skin health. By eating the peppers can avoid rashes and acne disease. - The coming Prevent Cancer
Insidious disease that often leads to death can be prevented by frequent eating peppers. This is due to the content of capsaicin that is good, because it is included in the family of chili peppers. - Improve Sperm Quality
Lycopene in peppers was also beneficial to the reproductive system. Consumption of lycopene, especially in red pepper, is believed to improve the quality of reproduction. This is because lycopene increase sperm count, keeping the structure of the sperm, and increases the motility (movement) of sperm. - Burn Calories
Eating peppers may help the process of burning calories in the body. The peppers are very good for those who want to eat a healthy diet. Due to the presence of burning calories, then prevention of gastrointestinal disorders would be more conducive.
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