In the mushroom stem consists of threads called hyphae. Hyphae can form the woven branches called mycelium. Of this fungal hyphae and mycelium absorbs organic matter from the surrounding environment as a food ingredient. Further processed into glycogen (a substance consisting of glucose subunits with straight chains (α1 → 4) and branching chains (α1 → 6)). So the fungus can produce useful substances za-like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and other chemicals, and some even produce chemicals harmful to the survival of its customers. Most types of mold grow in a way parasites, dependent on its host plant, and there is also a symbiotic mutualism. This last type as found on the roots of legumes plants. Tersebuta mutualismenya shape with plants is to absorb food from other organisms then he produces certain substances that are beneficial to simbionya.
Although most live on land, there are some fungi that live in association with water and aquatic organisms. Fungi that live in water usually are parasitic or saprophyte, and most of the class Oomycetes (pronounced as "oo-mi-setes" water-fungi that grow well under conditions of high humidity and watery).
The survival of fungal parasitism nature, meaning that impair the viability of other ecosystems, and there is also a mutualism, meaning mutual benefit to the surrounding ecosystem. Therefore any kind to exist later classified the fungi that are beneficial to the continuation of human life, but there are also fungi that contain toxins, so it is not good to eat or even should not be consumed. Among the fungi that can be used and consumed by humans are:
1.White mushrooms for weight loss and prevention of prostate cancer
This category includes button mushrooms, cremini and Portobello. White mushrooms have carbohydrates that speed up metabolism and keep blood sugar levels. Fast metabolism makes the body burn more fat. Eating three ounces of white mushrooms per day for four to six weeks to lose weight. This fungus is also rich in selenium which not only help you lose weight, but also has a positive effect on prostate cancer.
2. Shiitake can fight tumors
The typical flavorful mushrooms contain lentinan which is a natural anti-tumor compounds. This fungus has been developed by the Japanese into an anti-cancer treatment is quite favorable. In turn, the type of mushroom is also a source of Vitamin D. The consumption of four to five ounces per day is recommended to maintain your body fitness.
3. Reishi as an anti-cancer drug
The fungus that looks like a large white flowers and chocolates are made from wood that has the following properties: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. Addition, reishi mushroom gandodermic acids which help reduce cholesterol, which in turn can lower high blood pressure. Reishi mushroom eating a few ounces per day can help you reduce cholesterol and the risk of high blood pressure.
4. Maitake can fight breast cancer
Half a cup of maitake mushrooms per day were able to cleanse the body system and find abnormal cells that then make their own damaged. This fungus can also trigger the body to release the killer cells of the immune system.
5. Oysters for HIV
Oyster mushrooms are being studied as a defense against the possibility of HIV. Due to the high anti-oxidant compounds, this fungus can be anti-cancer drugs.
6. Chanterelle
Looks like a mini trumpet, this fungus is often associated with anti-microbial properties, bacteria and fungi. This fungus is also rich in vitamins C, D, and potassium.
7. Porcini to the anti-inflammatory
Portabello mushrooms resemble fat has been used as an anti-inflammatory drug. Porcini ergosterol containing compounds are capable of doing cytotoxicity of cells that are attacking the enemy.
8. Shimeji can treat asthma and tumors
This fungus is easily found in the Asian foods or as a garnish. Shimeji contains beta-glucans which according to the National Cancer Institute of Japan, these compounds are drugs to slow down and destroy tumors that grow in the body. Shimeji mushrooms can also treat diabetes, asthma and certain allergies by boosting the immune system and increases the ability of healing.
Other varieties can not be used for the survival of the ecosystem or in another language can not be consumed because the substances in it is not good for the growth and development of the ecosystem. Among these dangerous varieties are:
- Mushrooms Phytium
Phytium fungus causes yellowing leaves, stem and rhizome rot, it turns brown and eventually the whole plant to rot. How to control by crop rotation is not to plant crops after harvest from the family Zingiberaceae. Fungicides that can be applied is Dimazeb 80 WP or Dithane M-45 at a concentration of 80 WP 0.1 - 0.2%. - Mushrooms Phythophthora
This type is still often grouped in types of fungi (mushrooms). But actually Phythophthora are a group of plant protists (eukaryotic microorganisms are not animal, plant, or fungus) and closer kinship taxonomy with brown algae.
In 1845 famine ever occurred in Ireland due to the rapid growth of this fungus, so that the leaves of potato plants rotting mass and result in crop failure. Then in 1846 there was a massive emigration to the United States. - Fungus Saprolegnia
Saprolegnia fungus belongs to the Class Phycomycetes (class Oomycetes), also known as algae because fungi are similar in nature to the algae simply do not contain clorofil. Compiled by hyfa threads that do not have a bulkhead separator (septa), but branched into misellium.
Saprolegnia fungal growth on the body of the fish / eggs or a suitable substrate is affected by water temperature. Most of saprolegniaceae able to grow (minimum) water at a temperature between 0-5 ° C, growth was at 5-15 ° C, optimum growth at 15-30 ° C, and decreased at a temperature of 28-35 ° C. Although mostly found in fresh water, but the fungus is also tolerant to brackish water that is found also live in brackish water (Nursanto Educate Budi, 2007). That is why this fungus can damage fish spawning. - fungus Albugo
It causes white rust or white blister disease in above-ground plant tissue. While this organism affects many types of plants, destructive aspects of the infection is limited to a few crops, including: bits (garden and sugar), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, cauliflower, mustard greens, garden lettuce, kale, lettuce, mustard, potato, radish , radish, rape, salsify (black or white), spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips, watercress, and water spinach. Plants affected by this fungus will have damage to the leaves and then over time will be dry or rot.
- The fungus Candida sp.
This is a type of fungus found in patients with vaginal discharge, thrush and fungus that disrupt human skin. Usually the symptoms are many such spots in people with chapped lips. How to overcome this fungus is to maintain personal hygiene sehigienis possible. In patients with a whitish vaginal wash to thoroughly clean after each bowel movement, then dried, then put on underwear.
- Fungal Pneumonia Carinii
This fungus can damage human lungs. Mushrooms are the latest in the world of medicine, also known as Pneumocystis jiroveci cause a lung disease called Pneumia Pneumocistis (PCP). People with CD4 counts below 200 have the highest risk of experiencing PCP. People with CD4 counts below 300 who have experienced other IO too risky. Most people who have PCP become much weaker, losing weight, and the possibility of developing PCP again.
The first sign of the presence of people with this disease are shortness of breath , fever and cough without phlegm in bersamaan.Cara best to prevent PCP is to use ART . People with CD4 counts below 200 may prevent PCP by taking the same medications used to treat PCP . For more information , see LI 950 and LI 951 .Another way to reduce risk is by not smoking PCP . HIV-infected smokers develop PCP 2-3 times faster than HIV-positive people who do not smoke . One study found that smokers who had quit for at least one year did not develop PCP more quickly than non - smokers .HAART can increase CD4 cell counts. If this number exceeds 200 and lasted so long as three months , maybe we can stop taking PCP prevention without risk . However , because PCP medications are inexpensive and have mild side effects , some researchers proposed treatment should be continued until the CD4 cell count above 300 .But if it is there the danger fungal pneumonia Carinii healing steps , which are:- Co-trimoxazole (TMP / SMX) (see Fact Sheet (LI) 535) is an anti-PCP medications are most effective. It is a combination of two antibiotics: trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX).
- Dapsone (LI 533) similar to cotrimoxazole. Dapsone look nearly as effective as cotrimoxazole against PCP.
- Pentamidine is shaped aerosol inhaled medicine to prevent PCP. Pentamidine is also used intravenously (IV) to treat active PCP.
- Atovaquone is a drug used in cases of mild or moderate PCP by people who can not take TMP-SMX or pentamidine
Basically PCP can be treated and prevented either by using biotic and modern medicine.

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