Many people who believe that Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) is derived from South China . But some also stated that the ginger comes from India . Then from India , taken as ginger spice trade to Southeast Asia , China , Japan , and the Middle East . Then in the days of colonialism , ginger can provide a warm and spicy flavor to food soon became a popular commodity in Europe .But
giving the scientific name of ginger is not of the People's Republic of
China or South India, but a European nationality named William Roxburgh
. Which he gave the name taken from the Greek word zingiberi and or from Sanskrit , singaberi .In a sense ,
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:19 AM
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Heart attack or In England called myocardial
infarction , acute myocardial infarction , MI , AMI is where the blood
flow to the heart stops , though only briefly and causes some heart
cells to die .
Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD ) is a heart disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries or narrowing of the arteries leading to the brain , ranging from the atersklerosis ( arterial stiffness ) and that has been accumulation of fat or plaque ( plague ) in the coronary artery wall , either accompanied by clinical symptoms or even asymptomatic .
A heart attack including one of the deadly disease . Moreover, people with coronary heart disease . But in recent years the intensity of people with coronary heart disease is increasing , so the number of deaths caused by this disease in all countries also increased .
Many of the factors that trigger heart attacks , such as smoking , foods high in cholesterol consumption , lack of exercise , supine exercise , stress , and lack of rest . From the things that cause unfavorable influence on the formation of blood clots . As a result , blood flow to the heart is hampered thus affect the heart as a blood pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack .
Heart disease can also be caused by congenital heart as imperfect , heart valve abnormalities , and a weakening of the heart muscle . And there is also called coronary heart disease.
CLOSER TO KNOW ABOUT HEARTCoronary Heart Disease ( CHD ) is a heart disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries or narrowing of the arteries leading to the brain , ranging from the atersklerosis ( arterial stiffness ) and that has been accumulation of fat or plaque ( plague ) in the coronary artery wall , either accompanied by clinical symptoms or even asymptomatic .
A heart attack including one of the deadly disease . Moreover, people with coronary heart disease . But in recent years the intensity of people with coronary heart disease is increasing , so the number of deaths caused by this disease in all countries also increased .
Many of the factors that trigger heart attacks , such as smoking , foods high in cholesterol consumption , lack of exercise , supine exercise , stress , and lack of rest . From the things that cause unfavorable influence on the formation of blood clots . As a result , blood flow to the heart is hampered thus affect the heart as a blood pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack .
Heart disease can also be caused by congenital heart as imperfect , heart valve abnormalities , and a weakening of the heart muscle . And there is also called coronary heart disease.
The heart is a muscular organ , cone -shaped , hollow and with its base above and below the peak . Its apex ( peak ) tilted to the left. Heart weight of approximately 300 grams . For the heart to function as an efficient pump , the heart muscles , upper cavity and a lower cavity to contract alternately . The rate of heart beats or pump operation is controlled naturally by a " regulatory rhythm " . It consists of a group specifically , called sinotrialis node , located in the wall of the right atrium . An electrical impulse is transmitted from the node to the second platform sinotrialis make them contract simultaneously . An electric current is then passed on to the walls of the chamber , which in turn makes the chambers to contract simultaneously . This period of contraction called systole .
Furthermore, this period was followed by a short relaxation period - approximately 0.4 seconds - which is called diastole , before the next impulse came . Sinotrialus node generates between 60 to 72 impulses like this every minute when the heart is relaxed . Production of impulses is also controlled by a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system , which works out of our desire . Built-in electric systems is what produces contractions of the heart muscle called beirama heart rate .

Heart disease is a disease that can not be detected initially with more specific , and even the doctor who has been trained too often ignore the early symptoms of this disease . This is because often involves emotional surprises , chaos physiological and mental fatigue .
The common symptoms of heart attack are :
- Pain . If the muscle is not getting enough blood ( a condition called ischemia ) , then insufficient oxygen and the metabolism of excessive causing cramps or spasms . Angina is a feeling of tightness in the chest or squeezing chest feeling , which arises when the heart muscle does not get enough blood . The type and severity of pain or discomfort varies in each person . Some people who experience a lack of blood flow can not feel pain at all ( a condition called silent ischemia ) .
- Shortness of breath is a symptom commonly found in heart failure . Shortness is a result of the influx of fluid into the air spaces in the lungs ( pulmonary congestion or pulmonary
- Tiredness or fatigue. If the heart is not pumping effectively, blood flow to the muscles during activity will be reduced, causing the patient to feel weak and tired. These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this, the patient usually gradually reduce its activity or thought these symptoms as part of aging.
- Palpitations (heart palpitations)
- Dizziness and fainting. Decreased blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythm or because of poor pumping ability, can cause dizziness and fainting.
- Heart disease can not be the child or young person
- Healthy heart, could not have heart disease
- Heart disease is a hereditary disease
- Heart disease only occurs in obese people only
- No association with stroke
- Heart disease is only one kind of
- Heart disease arises because often consume banana menu
- Heart disease can not be prevented
- Causes of heart disease are often surprised
- Women free of heart disease
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 10:08 PM
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Carrots (Daucus Carota) is a very common type of vegetables for human consumption. Carrot plant parts are edible tuber section. Carrots are also included in the biennial plants (life cycle 12-24 months) which stores large amounts of carbohydrates for the plant flowering in the second year. Flower stem grows about 1 m tall, with white flowers.
many ways
many ways
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Posted on 8:48 PM
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Most compounds contained in Vitamin A is retinol compounds. These compounds dominate the content of Vitamin A, which is essentially the general content of Vitamin A include retinol, retinyl palmitate, and retinyl acetate.
Vitamins that have the chemical formulaC20H30O this vitamin