Heart attack or In England called myocardial
infarction , acute myocardial infarction , MI , AMI is where the blood
flow to the heart stops , though only briefly and causes some heart
cells to die .
Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD ) is a heart disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries or narrowing of the arteries leading to the brain , ranging from the atersklerosis ( arterial stiffness ) and that has been accumulation of fat or plaque ( plague ) in the coronary artery wall , either accompanied by clinical symptoms or even asymptomatic .
A heart attack including one of the deadly disease . Moreover, people with coronary heart disease . But in recent years the intensity of people with coronary heart disease is increasing , so the number of deaths caused by this disease in all countries also increased .
Many of the factors that trigger heart attacks , such as smoking , foods high in cholesterol consumption , lack of exercise , supine exercise , stress , and lack of rest . From the things that cause unfavorable influence on the formation of blood clots . As a result , blood flow to the heart is hampered thus affect the heart as a blood pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack .
Heart disease can also be caused by congenital heart as imperfect , heart valve abnormalities , and a weakening of the heart muscle . And there is also called coronary heart disease.
CLOSER TO KNOW ABOUT HEARTCoronary Heart Disease ( CHD ) is a heart disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries or narrowing of the arteries leading to the brain , ranging from the atersklerosis ( arterial stiffness ) and that has been accumulation of fat or plaque ( plague ) in the coronary artery wall , either accompanied by clinical symptoms or even asymptomatic .
A heart attack including one of the deadly disease . Moreover, people with coronary heart disease . But in recent years the intensity of people with coronary heart disease is increasing , so the number of deaths caused by this disease in all countries also increased .
Many of the factors that trigger heart attacks , such as smoking , foods high in cholesterol consumption , lack of exercise , supine exercise , stress , and lack of rest . From the things that cause unfavorable influence on the formation of blood clots . As a result , blood flow to the heart is hampered thus affect the heart as a blood pump which in turn will trigger a heart attack .
Heart disease can also be caused by congenital heart as imperfect , heart valve abnormalities , and a weakening of the heart muscle . And there is also called coronary heart disease.
The heart is a muscular organ , cone -shaped , hollow and with its base above and below the peak . Its apex ( peak ) tilted to the left. Heart weight of approximately 300 grams . For the heart to function as an efficient pump , the heart muscles , upper cavity and a lower cavity to contract alternately . The rate of heart beats or pump operation is controlled naturally by a " regulatory rhythm " . It consists of a group specifically , called sinotrialis node , located in the wall of the right atrium . An electrical impulse is transmitted from the node to the second platform sinotrialis make them contract simultaneously . An electric current is then passed on to the walls of the chamber , which in turn makes the chambers to contract simultaneously . This period of contraction called systole .
Furthermore, this period was followed by a short relaxation period - approximately 0.4 seconds - which is called diastole , before the next impulse came . Sinotrialus node generates between 60 to 72 impulses like this every minute when the heart is relaxed . Production of impulses is also controlled by a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system , which works out of our desire . Built-in electric systems is what produces contractions of the heart muscle called beirama heart rate .
- Heart disease can not be the child or young person
- Healthy heart, could not have heart disease
- Heart disease is a hereditary disease
- Heart disease only occurs in obese people only
- No association with stroke
- Heart disease is only one kind of
- Heart disease arises because often consume banana menu
- Heart disease can not be prevented
- Causes of heart disease are often surprised
- Women free of heart disease
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