Amaranth (amaranthus; Latin) originated from the tropical plains of America and then spread to all corners of the world. Plant leaves are usually consumed is known to be very rich in iron substances. Basically spinach has a meaning in the English language with Chinese Amaranth and not with Spinach. The author not know very well the ins and outs why in Indonesia and Malaysia are many benefits of this plant known as spinach. The author of this may simply assume the effects of the movie Popeye. Though spinach Spinacia including different family types with Chinese amaranth, although they both have iron content.


Plants belonging to the family of vegetables and asparagaceae (one flowering plant parts) can be obtained in the traditional markets. This is because asparagus is already familiar to the greengrocer and famous for its various benefits. In Indonesia, commonly referred to Asparaga. Because species including ferns that turns even easier to grow than ferns others, because


Apple is a fruit that is very easy to find in many parts of the world. Due easy it is to get this kind of fruit, many health experts who later examined ranging from the efficacy and benefits to the type of apple.

People first started growing apples in Central Asia. Now the apples grown in many areas of the world that the air temperature is cooler. The scientific name of the tree is Malus domestica apples inside. Apple cultivation is a descendant of Malus sieversii Central Asian origin, with partial genomes of Malus sylvestris (apple forest / wild apple).


Of the many types of apples (reaching ribua types), which are often consumed only 6 types only. These six kinds of apples that are:

  1. Yellow apples (Golden Delicious) comes from America, typically consumed for pies and applesauce made​​.
  2. Red apples (Red Delicious) are the most common type, either directly or on television because it has a seductive color.
  3. Fuji apples (Gala) is a native of New Zealand apples that taste the freshest and sweetest apples among others.
  4. Granny Smith seemed less familiar in the eyes of Indonesia, the fruit that comes from Australia has a sour taste, green color, medium-sized, usually made ​​for cooking.
  5. Apples manalagi (locally) most often found in green
  6. Poor apples (local) this one fruit chips made ​​by food entrepreneurs.


Inside the apples are:

  • Pectin Compounds (adhesive and stabilizer; the creation of sediment)
  • Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and vitamin C)
  • Phytochemicals (antioxidants that fight free radicals from pollution)
  • Fiber (bind fats and cholesterol)
  • Tannins (substances mouth fresheners and cleaners)
  • Baron (a substance that maintains estrogen; steroid compounds that function primarily as a female sex hormone)
  • Acid tartar
  • Acid D


The actual content of apples on a little lot could have known the benefits and usefulness of the fruit of this one. However, this will also benefit we describe more specifically apples:
  1. Healthy Digestive Tract
  2. Healthy Woman breasts
  3. healthy Heart
  4. lowering Cholesterol
  5. Neutralize Blood Sugar Levels
  6. Lose Weight
  7. Work Helps Small Bowel
  8. Preventing senile
  9. Treating and Preventing Anemia
  10. Restoring Stamina Body
  11. Restoring Body The Doldrums
  12. Caring for Teeth
  13. Help the growth of bones and teeth
  14. Caring Heart
  15. Prevent and treat arthritis
  16. Improve Skin Health
  17. Pressing Growing Cells In Lung Cancer - Lung
  18. Healthy Eyes
  19. Preventing and Treating asthma
  20. Caring for Bones From Fragility (Osteoporosis)
  21. Feeding the Brain

Of the many benefits of apples for health, you need to consider is that any kind of apples have different properties because there are some nutrients that are more dominant in a variety of apples, for example:

  • Green apple is better for the growth of bones, teeth, vision, and anti-cancer.
  • Yellow apples good for the liver, eyes, immune, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Red apple good for the heart, memory function, maintain a healthy urinary tract and reduce the risk of cancer.

So that could be the writer explained. May be useful for all readers


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